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Activate Your

A 12-week personalized coaching journey

All Out Training Strathroy - Activate Your Health Program

Activate Your Health:

A 12-week personalized coaching journey for women who are done with dieting and are ready to rewire their relationship with food and their body to lose weight, feel energized and maintain a flexible, healthy lifestyle.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • I’ve done so many diets and just can’t make them work. It’s just too hard to lose weight.

  • I always gain even more weight back.

  • Work/Life is too busy right now, so I don’t have time to even think about diet and exercise.

  • I like (any type of food) too much to give it up!

  • My family and kids are my priority right now. I feel guilty and selfish focusing on myself.

  • Life is really rough right now. I need my comfort food to get me through the day.

  • I don’t feel like myself anymore and I don’t like what I see in the mirror, but I don’t know how to fix it.

  • Being this way is just who I am, so there’s no point in trying to change.

Just like you, the women I coach have spent so much time putting everyone else’s needs first and that self-neglect has piled up. All they want is to feel at home in their body, to be able stand in front of the mirror and recognize themselves again.

I created this 12- week personalized journey for women to take charge of their health and goals, implementing changes in a flexible way that fits their busy lifestyle without feeling guilty about doing it and still taking care of others. I show women how to lead those around them to make changes with their health, nutrition, and exercise when they are ready to do so.

All Out Training Strathroy - Activate Your Health Program

Through this customized coaching journey, I help women build their skills and confidence, move out of frustration, defeat, struggle, feeling blah and missing out into feeling in control, seeing results, feeling comfortable in their skin, trusting themselves and knowing exactly what to do all-year round, even when things get busy, emotional, unpredictable and they are surrounded by needy people.
It’s the kind of journey that has women applying instant action in their busy lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed and finally:


  • Losing weight

  • Shifting your mindset

  • Increasing your energy

  • Improving your sleep

  • Stopping sugar and carb cravings

  • Improving your relationship with food

  • Accepting yourself more and developing your self esteem

  • Getting real solutions and learning to troubleshoot

  • Firing the hamster running in the wheel in your head 

  • Experience more balance and calm

  • Learning more about yourself and why you do what you do and what to do next


Coaching like this is different than a fitness group or challenge because I personally help women:


Create the daily habits that support them in balancing the right foods for their body with the foods they love and make meal plans that work for their lifestyle

Find solutions when they are stuck and feel less overwhelmed changing their habits

Work out in less time and feeling strong and toned with less body aches and pains

Get to the root cause of why they eat when they aren’t hungry and why they overeat

Stay motivated and focussed

Get real solutions to increase their energy, improve their sleep and feel less stressed


When I coach women over these 12-weeks, I ACTIVATE their incredible power and know-how to create the life they long for by knowing exactly what actions to take to create sustainable change. They stop trying diet after diet, stop buying weight loss books and supplements, and stop subscribing to random work out videos because they know exactly what to do and why they are doing it. They have a workable plan that lays out nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and the mindset connection to make the necessary shifts in their habits and their identity. That is life changing!

I can help you get the clarity you need to focus on what’s important. Together, we can cast a vision for the kind of person you want to be in a body that highlights your inner beauty and strength, living a life full of adventure and meaningful relationships, wearing the clothes you love, and most importantly, feeling deserving and worthy of it all.

Activate Your
Health Now!

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All Out Trainins Strathroy Activate Health
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